
Some of Funny Linux Commands is below

1. Cowsay

CMatrix simulates the display from 'The Matrix' and is based on the screensaver from the movie's website. It can scroll lines all at the same rate or asynchronously and at a user-defined speed. It displays some txtz from 'The Matrix' movie scenario. Cmatrix, The Matrix screen on a Linux terminal. Written by Guillermo Garron Date: 2010-12-03 11:36:30 00:00. For those of you who have not seen The Matrix, here is.

For this commmand to be work we need to install package.

Also we can use it on this way,

Here are some more list we can use in this command,

Example :

Cmatrix Japanese

4. figlet – draw banners

this command used to display text banners.

5. fortune

This command will display a random hopefully quote of the day

Matrix Linux

7. rev – Reverse text and files

This command will print reverse of sentence

8. Watch Star Wars

This will telnetting to and play the movie.


9. factor – factories numbers

Factor command will print lowest common multiple (LCM) factors of the number.

10. aafire – burn the console

It will renders a burning fire on the terminal.


11. text to speech with espeak

This command can speak your entered text using stored sound files and pattern.It is a multi lingual software speech synthesizer.


It will speak the sentence.

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Most people with any sort of interest in computers have seen The Matrix. One of the most popular things from that movie is the scrolling Matrix code. It quickly became a screen saver on many different operating systems. cMatrix isn’t a screen saver, but it allows you to run the scrolling Matrix code from within your command line.

Unfortunately, cMatrix does not appear to be actively developed anymore. The last news update on the maintainer’s website is from March 31, 2002.

Luckily, the source code is still available from the maintainer’s website and can still be compiled on modern Linux distributions. In addition, hosts cMatrix RPM, DEB, and XZ packages for Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, and Arch, and can be found at the link below.

RPM, DEB, and XZ Packages

If you want to get cMatrix installed quickly, installing it from the repository will be the easiest method of installation. These packages contain additional patches to properly install the mtx.pcf font on modern Linux distributions.

Compile from Source

Cmatrix Bash

The following compile process has been successfully tested on Fedora 17.

Install the following repository packages:

Download and un-tar the source code:

Generate aclocal.m4 man page:

Generate configuration scripts:

Generate for configure from

Configure, make, and make install the binary:

Jump to the Using cMatrix section below if you did not have any problems during the compile or installation process.

Potential Problems


If aclocal, autoconf, and automake -a are not run before ./configure the following errors may result:

./configure warnings:

make errors:

Using cMatrix

To use cMatrix, run cmatrix from your shell and show everybody how all you see is blond, brunette, redhead.