Pass The Message Game Tagalog Phrases

  • The Telephone Game works as a team game, especially if you have a large group. Give both teams the same word or phrase, or let them choose one of their own. The winning team is the one with the ending word or phrase closest to the original.
  • The Telephone game is popularly referred to as 'Chinese Whispers', 'Broken Telephone', or 'Pass the Message'. The term Chinese Whispers has been considered offensive as it denotes sheer confusion and can be misinterpreted as the Chinese language being incomprehensible. Contextual translation of 'message relay game' into Tagalog.
  • I always watch this video whenever I'm stressed. So better try this game in your Office/Company/Agency and prepare yourself sa matagalang pagtawa.Please SHAR.


To play the game Pass It On, stand or sit in a circle. One person begins the game by thinking of a short phrase, then whispering the phrase into the ear of the person standing or sitting beside him/her. That person then whispers it to the next person and so on. The last person says aloud what they heard whispered into their ear.

People who work together are communicating with each other. If they communicate effectively, this will enhance the performance of the group. If communication is poor, the quality of group work will suffer. The importance of a good communication is demonstrated in this “Whispering game” (also called “Message Relay”) by illustrating the breakdown of the communication. The exercise can be used as a starter for sessions on (effective) communication. Clubs will benefit if there is good communication between members.



Tagalog Phrases Funny

  1. To illustrate the breakdown of communication.
  2. To demonstrate the importance of effective communication.


  • 30 minutes


  • None


  1. Ask all the participants to form a circle. The facilitator also takes a place in this circle.
  2. The facilitator then whispers a message to one neighboring person.
  3. The message will now be passed round the circle by whispering to the next person and the next, until it reaches the last person at the other end of the circle (just before the facilitator).
  4. Ask the last person to say the sentence aloud.
  5. Ask the first person who received the message from the facilitator if the message is correct.
  6. Ask several persons of the circle in order to trace the changes.
  7. Discuss the activity.

Some guidelines for discussion

Pass The Message Game Tagalog Phrases Free

  1. What did we learn from this exercise?
  2. Is good and clear communication an important factor in group work?
  3. In real life, what factors could hinder effective communication?
  4. How can we improve effective communication?
  5. How can we improve communication in a FFS or in a club?

Examples of messages that can be used in this exercise

Tagalog Phrases Love

  1. “If you want to get good yield in Boro rice you should use good quality seed at the rate of 40 kg per hectare and urea at 255 kg per hectare in 3 split. But in T.Aman the does of urea will be 175 kg per hectare.”
  2. “The cuckoo lay their eggs in the nest of the crow, but the wasps lay their eggs into the egg mass of the stemborer.”